To apply for a free Membership Registration, all the prospective Member needs to do is to send an application to the Co-coordinator of this Forum, requesting for the Membership Application and Questionnaire Form stating his or her Age,Sex ,Nationality, Resident Nation and Contact Phone/e-mail.
As the Prospective Member receives the application Form, fill immediately and return to the Coordinator through the same e-mail and wait for a Confirmation and a directive on how to book for the Amazing FORWARD TO AFRICAN UNITY.
As the Prospective Member book and receive the FORWARD DOCUMENTATION, read through it ,sign and dispatch to this Forum `THE POPULACE WILFUL NON-COMPROMISE OF AFRICAN UNITY DECLARATION AND THE UNDER-TAKING TO LIVE ABOVE BOARD PLEDGE SLIP which always accompanies the FORWARD.
With the above process completed, the Prospective Member becomes a Registered Member.
As a Registered Member,wait for your Membership Card that qualifies you for participations in the Activities of the Forum and Assistance from same.
Direct your Application to the Coordinator, using the following e-mail; or send your request for application through the Navigation Box(Contact the Bureau) on this Webpage
Be sure that you give the necessary information(your names,age,sex and others) as indicated above.
Apply for Membership now with delay.
Note that your delay does not only constitute a delay to the timely realization of African Unity but might cost you the chance of being a Populace Representative/Delegate /Pioneer Member in your Nation/Resident Nation while your positive and prompt response is a laudable marked progress towards the realization of African Unity.
Thanks and God bless
Deacon Benson