On no account must a member uses the privilege of his or her membership to dupe,defraud,incriminate,harm a member or non-member or endanger the life of same.
Any utterance, act or/and deed, capable to provoke any of the above evils or other related ones, shall be deemed not only sinful, unfaithful and unpatriotic to this Populace Forum, Africa and humanity but an organized and deliberate Crime which might provoke not only dismembership but a legal action.
Therefore, note that this POPULACE FORUM is strictly against anything evil in all ramifications and needs be avoided by every populace in this March for one United Front to savage Africa through UNITY.
This FORUM detests and discourages fraudulent intentions/practices of any kind and shall not tolerate it from the individual/group Populace.
Hence, this POPULACE FORUM does not encourage the payment of any fee nor has it promised any one a Business Financial Transaction but set to take the Statistics of Populace of African Roots who are concerned with African Unity and mobilize Same towards forming a Populace Solidarity Front to complement the Efforts and Sacrifices of African Leaders(Past/Present) in their desire and pursuit for African Unity.